5 Simple Hacks Making Mom Life Easier Right Now
Some days, life feels like a never-ending to-do list — work, mom life, pregnancy brain, and just trying to exist. But once in a while, I find little things that make the chaos slightly more manageable. So, in case you’re also juggling it all —here are five things that are making my life easier right now.
5 Simple Hacks Making Mom Life Easier Right Now
- Household Task Hack — Is it just me, or does laundry multiple the second you look away? I swear, even if I get to the bottom of the basket, it’s full again within minutes. It’s like some kind of dark magic. Folding laundry is the worst, especially little kids’ clothes—so I’ve stopped doing it! My daughter’s drawers look like a tornado whipped through them anyway, so I’m saving those precious minutes for other tasks.
- Pregnancy Essential — I’m currently 24 weeks pregnant and pretty sure this babe is on a mission to turn me into a human snack dispenser. The cravings are real, and I’ve officially accepted my fate. My mid-afternoon ritual between endless calls and emails has become a bowl of chips and salsa. It hits like nothing else and almost makes me forget I’m working.
- Toddler Support Tool — Many months ago, we attempted to implement an “okay-to-wake” clock to curb our toddler’s early morning wake-ups. It was too early then—she didn’t understand the concept, and honestly, I don’t think we offered a compelling enough incentive. Now that she’s nearly 4, we’re giving the Hatch Rest a shot — this time with a much stronger motivational tool: chocolate donuts after five stickers. Desperate times, desperate measures! It’s only been a couple of nights (and we’re taking a gradual approach to extending the wake-up time), but it has already provided consistency in when we can expect a little someone to come crawling into our bed asking for breakfast each morning.
- A Guilty Pleasure — I’ve recently discovered the wonders of the reality TV show, Traitors. It’s glorious in all its gameplay, deceit, and, of course, the host is fabulous. It’s like a one-hour escape from reality that doesn’t cause me any stress or anxiety while watching. Just what mama needs!
- One of my favorite self-care rituals for moms is reading before bed — I love to lose myself in a good book (see number 4, escape from reality). Every night, I aim to read in bed for 30 minutes before falling asleep. It helps my body wind down, takes my mind off work and my never-ending to-do list, and truthfully, just puts me to sleep like a baby. Sometimes, within 5 minutes! Let’s hope I can keep this up after baby arrives!
That’s what’s keeping me sane for now—until my toddler finds a new way to push my limits (which could be happening as we speak). I love finding little hacks that make mom life smoother! What’s your current favorite? Drop a comment—I need all the ideas I can get!